

英漢字典: take out

1. accompany; lead or carry forth into the open air, or from a private to a public place or into society陪伴;帶…出去或到公共場所等

    I am going to take Smith out this evening. 今晚我要陪史密斯出去。

    Bob takes his wife out to the theatre every weekend, but my husband hasn't taken me out for months. 鮑勃每逢週末都陪同夫人去看戲,可我丈夫有好幾個月沒帶我出門了。

    If you go overseas, will you take the family out with you?假如你出國,你會帶全家一同去嗎?

    The weather is perfect for taking the family out for a walk. 這種天氣帶全家出來散步好極了。

2. take from a place where sth. is kept取出

    The students took out their textbooks and started reading. 學生們拿出課本,開始閱讀。

    His tooth had such a large hole in it that it had to be taken out. 他的牙齒上有個大洞,一定得拔掉。

    The surgeon took out his appendix.外科醫生切除了他的闌尾。

3. purchase;apply for and obtain 領取;申請並得到

    We must take out fire insurance on our home. 我們務必要給家產保火災險。

    He took out a licence the day before yesterday. 他前天領到了執照。

    As soon as he got married he took out an insurance policy which would grarantee his wife a regular income for the rest of her life,should he die. 他一結婚就申請得到一張保險單,保證在他死後他的妻子在晚年有定期的收入。

    Mary and John took out a marriage licence. 瑪麗和約翰領了結婚證。

4. remove(stain, colour, etc. )去掉(污漬、顏色等)

    Have you anything that will take out this inkstain from my dress?你有什麼東西可以去掉我衣服上的墨水污漬嗎?

    This liquid is good for taking out stains. 這種液體去污漬很靈。

    He took out the pencil marks from his drawing. 他擦掉了他的畫上的鉛筆記號。

5. begin to run開始跑

    When the window broke, the boys took out in all directions. 窗子打破時,孩子們四處跑開了。

    When the wind blew his hat off,Charlie took out affter it. 當帽子被風刮走時,查理跟在後面追。

6. set out; start出發

    He will take out for home next month. 他下月啟程回家。

    They took out for the nearest beach. 他們出發去最近的一個海灘。

7. take as an equivalent; obtain or receive the value of in another form用(物)抵債

    The firm agreed to take part of the debt out in goods. 這家商行同意用貨物來抵掉一部分債務。

    I owe you $50; can I take it out in beet and cigarattes?我欠你 50美元,可以用啤酒和香煙來抵充嗎?

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